city=belo horizonte mood=boredom
size=0.14Mb bitrate=64kpbs duration=18 seconds
date=2009-11-10 recorderd by=Brazil-anon
description=Station service of time announcement and departures. dear passengers, 5 minutes left for next departure
city=enschede mood=boredom
size=0.21Mb bitrate=192kpbs duration=9 seconds
date=2015-04-10 recorderd by=Stanza_DNA
description=Noise in a cafe
city=jaipur mood=boredom
size=1.14Mb bitrate=192kpbs duration=48 seconds
date=2015-04-10 recorderd by=STANZA
description=Walking down street making an odd noise
city=baltimore mood=boredom
size=1.62Mb bitrate=192kpbs duration=68 seconds
date=2015-10-20 recorderd by=Tina Spongebob
description=Ladies room in the Information technology building
city=baltimore mood=boredom
size=2.71Mb bitrate=192kpbs duration=113 seconds
date=2015-10-20 recorderd by=Tina Spongebob
description=Sitting in my car in the PAHB parking lot
city=baltimore mood=boredom
size=2.71Mb bitrate=192kpbs duration=113 seconds
date=2015-10-21 recorderd by=Tina Spongebob
description=Parking lot sitting in my car
city=corvallis mood=boredom
size=0.09Mb bitrate=320kpbs duration=2 seconds
date=2018-10-11 recorderd by=synchro1
description=OSU Used store pop-ip toaster
city=corvallis mood=boredom
size=0.48Mb bitrate=128kpbs duration=30 seconds
date=2018-10-12 recorderd by=jwylder97
description=Skater doing a run in the corvallis skatepark