LISTEN TO SOUNDS BY CITY: Aarhus, Albany, Aluksne, Amsterdam, Anzio, Ashland, Atlanta, Baltimore, Bamako, Bangkok, Barcelona, Beijing, Belo horizonte, Bergen, Berlin, Bilbao, Binghamton, Birmingham, Blue ridge, Bogota, Bordeaux, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Buffalo, Cairo, Calcutta, Calvizzano, Camberwell, Camerino, Caoria, Caracas, Catania, Champaign, Chandigarh, Chernogorsk, Chernomorsk, Chicago, Cluj napoca, Colombo, Cork, Corvallis, Crawfordsville, Dakar, Divarata, Dresden, Dundee, Ekaterinburg, Enschede, Esquerdes, Fiumicino, Formello, Frankfurt, Genzano di roma, Glasgow, Gothenburg, Granada, Graz, Halifax nova scotia, Hamburg, Helsinki, Hong kong, Ioannina, Istanbul, Izmir, Jaipur, Jarvenpaa, Koln, Kourouklata, Kryviy ryh, Kyiv, Lexington, Lisboa, Liverpool, Ljubiana, London, Los angeles, Louisville, Luzern, Madrid, Manchester, Marrakesch, Marseille, Medford, Milano, Minneapolis, Montevideo, Montpellier, Montreal, Moscow, Munich, Napoli, Nardò, Nemi, New york, Odda, Opi, Oslo, Palma, Pamplona, Paris, Pavia, Perugia, Phoenix, Portland, Porto, Prague, Rabat, Rasht, Rennes, Roldal, Rome, Rotterdam, Salzburg, San fiorenzo, San francisco, San martino di castrozza, San sebastian, Santa terezinha, Sao paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Shipley, St. petersburg, Stavanger, Stromboli, Stuttgart, Subiaco, Suzhou, Taipei, Tallinn, Tel aviv, Thessaloniki, Tokyo, Toronto, Toulouse, Trieste, Trondheim, Ulm, Utrecht, Venezia, Ventotene, Vienna, Vila nova de gaia, Wroclaw, Zurich

LISTEN TO SOUNDS BY MOOD: ambient, atmosphere, beat, birds, boredom, churches, industrial, mechanical, miscellaneous, music, noisy, people, rhythm, sirens, speaking, traffic, travel, voices, weather


city=pavia  mood=music
size=0.42Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=27 seconds  
date=2013-06-12  recorderd by=rienva
description=A mother with her child crossing the street while someone plays piano

city=pavia  mood=rhythm
size=0.79Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=33 seconds  
date=2013-06-13  recorderd by=warmgun
description=Non sono una signora by Loredana Berte coming from an open window

city=pavia  mood=rhythm
size=0.79Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=33 seconds  
date=2013-06-13  recorderd by=warmgun
description=the italian song E la luna busso coming from an open window

city=pavia  mood=music
size=0.68Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=43 seconds  
date=2013-06-14  recorderd by=rienva
description=Music from an open window: Rodriguez