LISTEN TO SOUNDS BY CITY: Aarhus, Adas, Albany, Aluksne, Amsterdam, Ashland, Atlanta, Baltimore, Bamako, Bangkok, Barcelona, Beijing, Belo horizonte, Bergen, Berlin, Bilbao, Binghamton, Birmingham, Blue ridge, Bogota, Bordeaux, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Buffalo, Cairo, Calcutta, Calvizzano, Camberwell, Caracas, Catania, Champaign, Chandigarh, Chernogorsk, Chernomorsk, Chicago, Cluj napoca, Colombo, Cork, Corvallis, Crawfordsville, Dakar, Dresden, Dundee, Ekaterinburg, Enschede, Esquerdes, Formello, Frankfurt, Genzano di roma, Glasgow, Gothenburg, Granada, Graz, Halifax nova scotia, Hamburg, Helsinki, Hong kong, Ioannina, Istanbul, Izmir, Jaipur, Jarvenpaa, Koln, Kryviy ryh, Kyiv, Lexington, Lisboa, Liverpool, Ljubiana, London, Los angeles, Louisville, Luzern, Madrid, Manchester, Marrakesch, Marseille, Medford, Milano, Minneapolis, Montevideo, Montpellier, Montreal, Moscow, Munich, Napoli, New york, Palma, Pamplona, Paris, Pavia, Perugia, Phoenix, Portland, Porto, Prague, Rabat, Rennes, Rome, Rotterdam, Salzburg, San fiorenzo, San francisco, San sebastian, Santa terezinha, Sao paulo, Seoul, Shanghai, Shipley, St. petersburg, Stavanger, Stromboli, Stuttgart, Suzhou, Taipei, Tallinn, Tel aviv, Thessaloniki, Tokyo, Toronto, Toulouse, Trieste, Trondheim, Ulm, Utrecht, Venezia, Vienna, Vila nova de gaia, Wroclaw, Zurich

LISTEN TO SOUNDS BY MOOD: ambient, atmosphere, beat, birds, boredom, churches, industrial, mechanical, miscellaneous, music, noisy, people, rhythm, sirens, speaking, traffic, travel, voices, weather


city=jaipur  mood=sirens
size=0.46Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=19 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Sirens in distance

city=jaipur  mood=voices
size=1.13Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=47 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=In a crowded street

city=jaipur  mood=mechanical
size=0.12Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=8 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Opening door

city=jaipur  mood=boredom
size=1.14Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=48 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Walking down street making an odd noise

city=jaipur  mood=voices
size=0.57Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=24 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Loads of people around us

city=jaipur  mood=music
size=0.39Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=16 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Clapping people in ceremony

city=jaipur  mood=sirens
size=1.01Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=42 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Siren in the city

city=jaipur  mood=boredom
size=1.18Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=49 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Background street sounds

city=jaipur  mood=travel
size=0.68Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=28 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Walking along the gravel

city=jaipur  mood=voices
size=0.22Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=9 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Kids talking

city=jaipur  mood=beat
size=0.56Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=24 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Drumming along

city=jaipur  mood=speaking
size=0.36Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=15 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Tinkling bells, I think so

city=jaipur  mood=sirens
size=0.46Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=19 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA

city=jaipur  mood=voices
size=1.11Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=47 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA

city=jaipur  mood=speaking
size=0.24Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=10 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=it was thousand ...don't cut me without knife

city=jaipur  mood=sirens
size=0.35Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=15 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Police chase

city=jaipur  mood=boredom
size=0.83Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=35 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Up the stairs

city=jaipur  mood=voices
size=0.45Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=19 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA

city=jaipur  mood=traffic
size=0.03Mb  bitrate=128kpbs  duration=2 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA

city=jaipur  mood=voices
size=0.25Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=11 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Loads of people

city=jaipur  mood=speaking
size=0.65Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=27 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA

city=jaipur  mood=traffic
size=0.79Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=33 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA
description=Traffic in street

city=jaipur  mood=voices
size=1.02Mb  bitrate=192kpbs  duration=43 seconds  
date=2015-04-10  recorderd by=STANZA