city=champaign mood=atmosphere
size=0.63Mb bitrate=80kpbs duration=63 seconds
date=2011-07-24 recorderd by=MozarTT
description=13 year cicadas finally getting to sing their song
city=champaign mood=people
size=0.10Mb bitrate=67kpbs duration=12 seconds
date=2016-09-14 recorderd by=heatherjones
description=Conversations in a busy restaurant
city=champaign mood=music
size=0.55Mb bitrate=128kpbs duration=34 seconds
date=2016-09-08 recorderd by=synthesis
description=Atgeld Hall Bells Playing Alma Mater
city=champaign mood=traffic
size=0.11Mb bitrate=128kpbs duration=7 seconds
date=2016-09-08 recorderd by=synthesis
description=Walklight WALK SIGN IS ON
city=champaign mood=2_B_categorised
size=0.19Mb bitrate=80kpbs duration=18 seconds
date=2016-09-08 recorderd by=Utkarsha Bhardwaja
description=The main quad late at night. Mostly silence interspersed with voices.
city=champaign mood=2_B_categorised
size=0.19Mb bitrate=80kpbs duration=18 seconds
date=2016-09-08 recorderd by=Utkarsha Bhardwaja
description=The main quad late at night. It is mostly silence interspersed with peoples voices.
city=champaign mood=2_B_categorised
size=0.19Mb bitrate=80kpbs duration=18 seconds
date=2016-09-08 recorderd by=Utkarsha Bhardwaja
description=The main quad late at night. It is mostly silence interspersed with peoples voices.
city=champaign mood=people
size=0.12Mb bitrate=80kpbs duration=12 seconds
date=2016-09-08 recorderd by=Utkarsha Bhardwaja
description=Crackling of twigs as people walk on them
city=champaign mood=traffic
size=0.17Mb bitrate=193kpbs duration=7 seconds
date=2016-09-12 recorderd by=ddil2149
description=Motorcycle Driving By Day
city=champaign mood=2_B_categorised
size=0.20Mb bitrate=68kpbs duration=23 seconds
date=2016-09-14 recorderd by=heatherjones
description=Fans cheering at Illinois football game
city=champaign mood=ambient
size=0.93Mb bitrate=192kpbs duration=39 seconds
date=2016-09-12 recorderd by=ddil2149
description=Sounds of First Street Day
city=champaign mood=2_B_categorised
size=0.20Mb bitrate=68kpbs duration=23 seconds
date=2016-09-14 recorderd by=heatherjones
description=Fans cheering at Illinois football game
city=champaign mood=weather
size=0.28Mb bitrate=68kpbs duration=33 seconds
date=2016-09-14 recorderd by=heatherjones
description=Crosswalk noises on a rainy morning
city=champaign mood=people
size=0.08Mb bitrate=66kpbs duration=10 seconds
date=2016-09-14 recorderd by=heatherjones
description=Outside on a busy gamed afternoon
city=champaign mood=people
size=0.08Mb bitrate=66kpbs duration=10 seconds
date=2016-09-14 recorderd by=heatherjones
description=Outside on a busy game day afternoon
city=champaign mood=sirens
size=0.23Mb bitrate=69kpbs duration=26 seconds
date=2016-09-14 recorderd by=heatherjones
description=Fire alarm at Newman Hall
city=champaign mood=speaking
size=0.22Mb bitrate=66kpbs duration=27 seconds
date=2016-09-14 recorderd by=heatherjones
description=Calm night with people walking by
city=champaign mood=rhythm
size=0.12Mb bitrate=80kpbs duration=12 seconds
date=2016-09-14 recorderd by=Utkarsha Bhardwaja
description=The sound of my friend and I walking on dead leaves and twigs
city=champaign mood=voices
size=0.05Mb bitrate=64kpbs duration=6 seconds
date=2016-09-17 recorderd by=sidpalaniappan
description=Down town urbana at night