city=binghamton mood=atmosphere
size=0.00Mb bitrate=0kpbs duration=0 seconds
date=2016-04-19 recorderd by=Yiningdeng
description=U Club Apartment near the window
city=binghamton mood=music
size=2.45Mb bitrate=128kpbs duration=154 seconds
date=2016-04-12 recorderd by=nmichalski
description=Walking from Fine Arts through Union
city=binghamton mood=atmosphere
size=3.70Mb bitrate=192kpbs duration=154 seconds
date=2016-04-15 recorderd by=Stefano Francesco Frantellizzi
description=On a rooftop
city=binghamton mood=2_B_categorised
size=0.33Mb bitrate=135kpbs duration=20 seconds
date=2015-12-15 recorderd by=ekamali1
description=The everyday life of a Binghamton University student.
city=binghamton mood=2_B_categorised
size=0.33Mb bitrate=135kpbs duration=20 seconds
date=2015-12-15 recorderd by=ekamali1
description=The everyday life of a Binghamton University Student.
city=binghamton mood=noisy
size=1.18Mb bitrate=128kpbs duration=74 seconds
date=2015-11-25 recorderd by=yangruizi
description=This is the sound that I recorded in local grocery store.
city=binghamton mood=atmosphere
size=0.96Mb bitrate=128kpbs duration=60 seconds
date=2016-04-19 recorderd by=Yiningdeng
description=U Club Apartment near the window
city=binghamton mood=atmosphere
size=0.96Mb bitrate=128kpbs duration=60 seconds
date=2016-04-19 recorderd by=Yiningdeng
description=Near the river
city=binghamton mood=atmosphere
size=0.96Mb bitrate=128kpbs duration=60 seconds
date=2016-04-19 recorderd by=Yiningdeng
description=Walking on the grass at park
city=binghamton mood=weather
size=0.26Mb bitrate=128kpbs duration=16 seconds
date=2017-04-20 recorderd by=stitus
description=A car idles while it is raining
city=binghamton mood=ambient
size=1.00Mb bitrate=128kpbs duration=62 seconds
date=2017-04-25 recorderd by=yesinkim
description=Inside Target bathroom Ye Sin Kim
city=binghamton mood=atmosphere
size=1.68Mb bitrate=192kpbs duration=70 seconds
date=2017-04-25 recorderd by=hsheikh1
description=Sounds of walmart in vestal, ny. background noise included
city=binghamton mood=traffic
size=1.56Mb bitrate=192kpbs duration=65 seconds
date=2017-04-25 recorderd by=Jane Chun
description=Holiday Inn Intersection of Holiday inn
city=binghamton mood=traffic
size=1.24Mb bitrate=192kpbs duration=52 seconds
date=2017-04-25 recorderd by=Jane Chun
description=Holiday Inn. The intersection by Holiday Inn
city=binghamton mood=atmosphere
size=4.33Mb bitrate=160kpbs duration=216 seconds
date=2018-01-31 recorderd by=amp10
description=Robot City Games Binaural Recording
city=binghamton mood=atmosphere
size=2.25Mb bitrate=192kpbs duration=94 seconds
date=2018-02-01 recorderd by=Xueji Fan
description=A walk in the Reaction Par. Winter morning.